Week 10 was the sort-of surprise hike up Kokohead. By now the rumors of past initiation hikes are starting to spread to the next intake, so it's hard to keep it under wraps. Girls that attended practice were kidnapped, covered in glitter and face paint, and ordered to climb the close by Kokohead Crater. No girl was left behind, and fun was had! Pics were ahhhmazing. This hike helps with overall fitness but more importantly, it helps the freshies bond and learn to be there for each other as teammates.
This past Saturday, we started off with some new tricks I learned from a visiting Kiwi, Mr. Justin Lopes, Physiotherapist, who showed us injury prevention exercises we can do to strengthen important derby muscle groups so that we don't blow out our knees. If you would like more information about the exercises he taught us and that I showed you, you can check out his facebook page where he gives examples. Go ahead and friend him on fb. If you have specific recurring injuries or questions, he is very helpful.
We started out on skates with review of basic agility and lateral movement, then launched into pace lines, double pacelines, single weaves and partner weaves. We even went backwards! We did red light/green light to work on positional blocking with a buddy and ended with the 27/5 trial. Some passed, some made it to 5 minutes, and some figured out that their skates needed more break-in time. Ouch! Hopefully all will be worked out by May 31.
Positional Blocking: if you're doing it right, this is all a jammer sees while she's jamming. |
Here is some more helpful info for all of you working on your 27/5 that have not yet been able to conquer it. I hope it helps... I found this to be a thorough blog post and can't say it any better ;)
Are you studying for the written rules test???????????????????????????????????????????